Our next ministry to highlight is that of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This lengthy title explains several aspects of their ministry. The term ordinary in Catholic liturgy refers to the standard and most frequent type of something. In this case, the ordinary ministers of communion are the clergy. It is an important part of their office to distribute communion- just like Jesus did at the Last Supper. When circumstances don’t allow for only clergy to distribute, you may use lay people to fill out this role. The order of priority would be first instituted acolytes (usually those in preparation for ordination) then lay people officially designated for this role (by the Bishop) and then lay people who may be designated on a one-time basis. READ MORE
What an exciting Community Problems Assembly on Monday, Nov, 4! About 290 people from all over Lexington gathered at Consolidated Baptist Church. There were 40 from MQHR. It was especially exciting to welcome a new congregation, Ahava Spirituality Center. They are excited about joining in the work of Justice. READ MORE...
Our next ministry to highlight is that of usher. This role is one of the least standardized by church documents only having the following in the General Instructions on the Roman Missal (GIRM) #105:
d. Those who, in some places, meet the faithful at the church entrance, lead them to appropriate places, and direct processions.
Nuestro próximo ministerio a destacar es el de ujier. Esta función es una de las menos estandarizadas por los documentos de la iglesia y solo tiene lo siguiente en las Instrucciones Generales sobre el Misal Romano (GIRM) #105:
d. Quienes, en algunos lugares, reciben a los fieles a la entrada de la iglesia, los conducen a los lugares apropiados y dirigen las procesiones.
The BUILD Community Problems Assembly is Monday, Nov. 4, 7 PM at Consolidated Baptist Church (1625 Russell Cave Rd.) We will carpool from MQ at 6. We need drivers as well as riders. See more...
We are taking a brief break from our series on liturgical ministers to explore the special liturgies that begin our month of remembrance (November). + Estamos tomando un breve descanso de nuestra serie sobre ministros litúrgicos para explorar las liturgias especiales que comienzan nuestro mes de conmemoración (noviembre).
Sacristans are individuals who tend to take care of the behind the scenes preparations and needs of the liturgy. The title comes from the Latin root sacer which means holy and sacred. Sacristans care for the holy vessels, elements, and materials of the church. + Los sacristanes son personas que tienden a encargarse de los preparativos y necesidades de la liturgia entre bastidores. El título proviene de la raíz latina sacer que significa santo y sagrado. Los sacristanes cuidan los vasos, elementos y materiales sagrados de la iglesia.
In our series on liturgical ministries, we are digging into what it means to be a lector. The word lector means one who reads and has been an important part of Judeo-Christian worship for millennia. You can even read first-hand accounts in the Gospels of Jesus serving as a lector in Jewish worship when he unrolls the scroll and reads from the prophet Isaiah. That scene plays out much like our modern Catholic liturgy of the word. ++ En nuestra serie sobre ministerios litúrgicos, profundizamos en lo que significa ser lector. La palabra lector significa alguien que lee y ha sido una parte importante del culto judeocristiano durante milenios. Incluso puedes leer relatos de primera mano en los Evangelios de Jesús sirviendo como lector en el culto judío cuando desenrolla el rollo y lee del profeta Isaías. Esa escena se parece mucho a nuestra liturgia católica moderna de la palabra.
Our Parish Feast Day
Usually, October 7th is the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, but at Mary Queen we will celebrate our patronal feast day as a Solemnity on Sunday October 6th this year. The church allows moving parish feast days during ordinary time to Sundays so more people can participate in this special celebration. We have commonly done this for many years, because it is hard for people to come to Mass on a Monday. If we did celebrate the Mass on a Monday we would have two readings, a creed, and special candles. Since the feast day will be on Sunday–October 7th for us, it will be the Monday of the 27th week of Ordinary time. So check our website for the readings for these special Masses.
On October 1, 1995 3pm our current church was dedicated by Bishop Kendrick Williams. It was a day full of celebration with a final Mass earlier that day in the previous church space. The dedication liturgy included the blessing of the church,altar, and tabernacle and had lots of candles, music, oil, flame, and ceremony. This vivid liturgy remains important to our church as our space was set apart on incarnate grace and host presence of Jesus Christ. Because of this, each year October 1st is elevated to be a Solemnity for our parish. This means we have special readings at Masses as well as include the Glory to God, a second reading, and the creed. It is only celebrated within our parish (but each place has their own day of dedication). Some liturgists consider this to be the “hidden solemnity” because it is specific to each church and can be easy to forget. ++ El 1 de octubre de 1995, a las 3 de la tarde, el obispo Kendrick Williams dedicó nuestra iglesia actual. Fue un día lleno de celebración con una misa final ese mismo día en el espacio anterior de la iglesia. La liturgia de dedicación incluyó la bendición de la iglesia, el altar y el tabernáculo y contó con muchas velas, música, aceite, llamas y la ceremonia. Esta vívida liturgia sigue siendo importante para nuestra iglesia, ya que nuestro espacio fue apartado por la gracia encarnada y la presencia anfitriona de Jesucristo. Debido a esto, cada año el 1 de octubre se eleva a la categoría de Solemnidad para nuestra parroquia. Esto significa que tenemos lecturas especiales en las Misas, además de incluir la Gloria a Dios, una segunda lectura y el credo. Sólo se celebra dentro de nuestra parroquia (pero cada lugar tiene su propio día de dedicación). Algunos liturgistas consideran que esta es la “solemnidad oculta” porque es específica de cada iglesia y puede ser fácil de olvidar.
Altar Servers certainly have the most varied ways of assisting at Mass. They use lots of liturgical tools and are in the middle of the action at Mass. This is one of the most ancient of liturgical ministries done by the laity (not priests or deacons). Though historically this role has been filled by boys (frequently those preparing to be priests) in the post Vatican II world anyone can serve in this role.
Los monaguillos ciertamente tienen las formas más variadas de ayudar en la Misa. Usan muchas herramientas litúrgicas y están en medio de la acción en la Misa. Este es uno de los ministerios litúrgicos más antiguos realizados por los laicos (no sacerdotes o diáconos). Aunque históricamente este papel ha sido desempeñado por niños (frecuentemente aquellos que se preparan para ser sacerdotes), en el mundo posterior al Vaticano II cualquiera puede desempeñar este papel.
To coincide with our parish ministry invitations, I am beginning a new series that explores the origins and functions of various liturgical ministries. Particularly for those roles that are provided by the laity in a modern Catholic liturgy. These roles include but are not limited to:
Lectors, Altar Servers, Musicians, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Sacristans, Arts & Environment, Hospitality, Ushers, Facilitators, Altar Guild, Devotions, MC’s, etc…
Some of these are instituted roles and some are specific to our own parish and our needs. They all work together to ensure our liturgies can be the best they possibly can.
Para coincidir con nuestras invitaciones al ministerio parroquial, estoy comenzando una nueva serie que explora los orígenes y funciones de varios ministerios litúrgicos. Particularmente para aquellos roles que desempeñan los laicos en una liturgia católica moderna. Estos roles incluyen, entre otros:
Lectores, Acólitos, Músicos, Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión, Sacristanes, Arte y Medio Ambiente, Hospitalidad, Ujieres, Facilitadores, Gremio del Altar, Devociones, MC, etc.
Algunas de estas son funciones instituidas y otras son específicas de nuestra propia parroquia y nuestras necesidades. Todos trabajan juntos para garantizar que nuestras liturgias sean lo mejor posible.
BUILD has a yearly 4 step process. We are wrapping up the last one now, the Investment Drive and did very well. From our parish we together invested over $18,000 in making Lexington a better place for all. Congratulations! READ MORE
Our last liturgy corner talked about the important moments of silence during Mass that serve to deepen our experience. However the GIRM (General Instructions of the Roman Missal) also refers to silence before Mass begins:
Even before the celebration itself, it is a praiseworthy practice for silence to be observed in the church, in the sacristy, in the vesting room, and in adjacent areas, so that all may dispose themselves to carry out the sacred celebration in a devout and fitting manner. [GIRM #45]
Nuestro último rincón litúrgico habló de los importantes momentos de silencio durante la Misa que sirven para profundizar nuestra experiencia. Sin embargo, la IGMR (Instrucciones Generales del Misal Romano) también se refiere al silencio antes de que comience la Misa:
Incluso antes de la celebración misma, es práctica loable que se guarde silencio en la iglesia, en la sacristía, en el vestigio y en los lugares adyacentes, a fin de que todos se dispongan a realizar la sagrada celebración con devoción y manera adecuada. [GIRM #45]
Full-time Registrar
Job Description: Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary is looking to hire a Registrar for the 2024-2025 school year. The ideal candidate wants to work in a faith based environment and works well as part of a collaborative, team environment. This person is responsible for maintaining school academic, health and admissions data as well as accounts payable and tuition information. See more
There are many elements of each Mass- gestures, acclamations, dialogues, readings, prayers, and we seem to have a basic execution of them. One element we tend to struggle with that is essential to the Mass is silence.
Hay muchos elementos en cada Misa: gestos, aclamaciones, diálogos, lecturas, oraciones, y parece que tenemos una ejecución básica de ellos. Un elemento con el que tendemos a luchar y que es esencial para la Misa es el silencio.
This is the conclusion of our series on postures and gestures. Feel free to submit any liturgical questions you have to [email protected].
I have enjoyed talking through the Mass with you concerning our various postures. As I was proceeding there were a few moments I missed that I want to return to. + Esta es la conclusión de nuestra serie sobre posturas y gestos. No dude en enviar cualquier pregunta litúrgica que tenga a [email protected].
He disfrutado hablando con ustedes durante la Misa sobre nuestras diversas posturas. A medida que avanzaba, me perdí algunos momentos a los que quiero volver.
Continuing our series on postures and gestures at liturgies, we are walking through the Mass- we now discuss what happens after communion. + Continuando con nuestra serie sobre posturas y gestos en las liturgias, caminamos a través de la Misa; ahora discutimos lo que sucede después de la comunión.
We want all MQHR families to be a part of our 2025 pictorial directory. By participating, you will help us build a stronger sense of community at Mary Queen. You are a unique and special part of our parish family, so we encourage you to participate! If you have any questions please email Jennifer, at [email protected] or call (859) 278-7432 ext 1494
The Cathedral of Christ the King will be live-streaming Fr. Norman Fischer's Funeral Mass on Monday. The broadcast will begin approximately at 10:50 AM and will be available on three platforms:
Cathedral's live-stream page on the parish website (passive stream, no interaction)
Cathedral's Facebook page
Cathedral's YouTube page
Instructions/links to access these platforms can be found here: