PPC MINUTES – 10/27/20
Chair: Linda Frazer
Recorder: Chris Gilligan
9 - Closing Prayer
Fr. Aldrin Tayag
2020 Schedule of Committee Report to Father Dan and the Parish Pastoral Council
Meeting Dates Scheduled Committee Report, etc.
1/28/2020 Stewardship – Ann Henry
3/24/2020 Follow up on Stewardship Report / Lenten Holy Hour
5/26/2020 Combined with Liturgy
June No June Meeting
7/28/2020 Finance Council (Budget) - Scott King & ??
8/25/2020 Liturgy Committee – Deacon Bill Rood
9/22/2020 School Update – Susan Lancho & Becky Brown
10/27/2020 Formation / Education – Jim Obert
December No December Meeting
Tentative 2021 Schedule of Committee Report to Father Dan and the Parish Pastoral Council
Meeting Dates Scheduled Committee Report, etc.
1/26/2021 Stewardship – Ann Henry
3/16/2021 Follow up on Stewardship Report / Lenten Holy Hour
5/25/2021 Finance Council (Budget) - Scott King & ??
8/24/2021 Liturgy Committee – Deacon Bill Rood
9/28/2021 School Update – Susan Lancho & Becky Brown
10/26/2020 Formation / Education – Jim Obert
December No December Meeting
To Be Scheduled
Christian Service / Social Concerns – Was in February last year
Evangelization – No report last year / position vacant
Youth Ministry?
2020-2021 MQHR Youth Groups
Report Submitted for the MQHR Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
James Harding: Youth & Young Adult Ministries Coordinator/Parish Life Coordinator
Program Statistics
Middle School Youth Group: 7 registered and attending (approx. 50% from 2019-2020)
High School Youth Group: 15 registered and attending (approx. 85% from 2019-2020)
Spanish-speaking Youth Group: not currently meeting, as of date of report submission
** program registration and attendance are down from the 2019-2020 Formation Year, due to COVID-19.
Regular Catechists: Middle School Youth Group (3)
High School Youth Group (3)
Spanish-speaking Youth Group (TBD; need further info from Laura Garcia)
Parish Goals & Objectives
1a. Focus on cultivating a climate of hospitality on the Lord’s day to permeate every facet of life.
A focus in each Youth meeting is to challenge one another to be a better person, made in His image and likeness; we routinely discuss how to be and do better within our parish and the greater community. Hospitality is neither limited to the Lord’s day nor is it acceptable to remain stagnant in our hospitality efforts. Several high school Youth are actively involved in the parish; despite being in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, two (2) of these youths routinely volunteer as ushers and greeters at Mass. The call for more youth involvement has been issued, and the youth are responding.
1b) Develop and expand a music ministry that serves the varying generations and cultures within the parish.
With COVID-19 being in full force, this needs to be a conversation with the parish Director of Music Ministry.
2a) Engage people in expanded inter-generational faith sharing activities in our parish.
Dcn. Nick’s presence as chaplain to the group, as well as the addition of a young adult, Dale Horsley, to the Youth team, are witnesses and means for engaging in this type of faith sharing. When COVID-19 restrictions loosen, they could be parish-wide, open invitation, faith sharing events on campus. In the meantime, ideas are being discussed to engage in faith sharing, virtually, so it can be available to all the parish.
2b) Explore more types of Bible studies and faith sharing groups, as aids to Evangelization and engagement efforts.
Similar to response to 2a; this is something which could benefit both youth and young adults, as the young adult Bible studies are hopefully resuming this fall or winter. Personal invitation works best, particularly for those feeling marginalized/forgotten and/or the dis-affiliated.
2f) Promote participation in faith formation events hosted by the Diocese and/or neighboring parishes.
COVID-19 has really put a damper on what these events can look like, at least for the foreseeable future. The Diocesan retreat planning team is meeting next week and will be discussing the Diocesan retreats for 2021; the youth will be encouraged to attend and fully, consciously, participate. Diocesan Youth Ministry leaders have been sharing resources and suggestions, based off what is being done in their respective parishes.
3a) Discover the best methods for overcoming language barriers and engaging people in these methods.
A goal for this year is for there to be far more interaction between the English-speaking and Spanish-speaking groups. A monthly service project, for which parents are invited and encouraged to participate, is being discussed, with plans to begin before Christmas. On the first Wednesday of each month, weather permitting, the high school Youth Group goes to Phoenix Park to minister alongside the homeless and marginalized, offering blankets, food, conversation; acts of mercy transcend language or socio-economic barriers.
3b) Engage our diverse parish population in multi-cultural religious celebrations and social events.
Obviously, COVID-19 changes our options and abilities for such fraternity and engagement; as culturally significant celebrations draw nearer, there can be virtual celebration and discussion. Dialogue is a critical step toward a more unified parish, wherein all cultures are acknowledged and celebrated.
4a) Increase efforts to educate and invite parishioners into full, active, and conscious participation in at least one parish ministry or activity.
The number of youth attending the Youth Group, despite being mid-pandemic, is testament to their resolve to participate, to be a vibrant part of the larger life of the parish. Youth are encouraged to get involved, whether as an individual or as a family cohort. Several youth are currently involved in the liturgies – albeit in varying capacities – of our parish.
4b) Increase focus on Youth programs for all cultures.
See answers to 2a-4a above. All Youth and/or parish programs are open to all ethnicities and cultures. All are welcome in this place. Laura Garcia volunteers to head the Spanish-speaking Youth Group, and she is excited for more joint Youth Group activities and dialogue.
5a) Engage parishioners in mission and service programs to people that live in Lexington.
The first Wednesday of each month is reserved for the high school Youth Group to minister downtown at Phoenix Park. Ideas are being discussed for the middle school Youth Group, as well. In the past, the Spanish-speaking Youth Group has routinely volunteered at the Catholic Action Center; James, Dcn. Nick, Dale, and Laura will discuss service opportunities.
5b) Engage in more justice, service, and social activities with other Christian congregations in the community.
The youth can get involved in BUILD, and James hopes to have a couple of the parish’s young adults, who are actively involved with social justice, speak to the youth about such opportunities as well as why, as Catholics, we’re called to be active in such ministries. Rapport is being developed with other denominational Youth Ministry leaders in the community, and other denominations seem open to beginning and maintaining a dialogue among ourselves; this is just in the very initial phases.
5c) Engage people in evangelization outreach programs and events that target non-practicing Catholics and the Unchurched.
The monthly Phoenix Park ministry draws participation from Catholics who are less than fully-practicing, as well as interaction with the Unchurched, the dis-affiliated. Again, COVID-19 restrictions hinder the scope of what could be happening.
Adult Formation - Cara Johnson
July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020
As of July 1, 2020, Cara is the coordinator of Confirmation, RCIA, Baptismal preparation and Marriage Preparation and Retreats - all in both English and Spanish.
Bible Studies - English: Wednesday evenings, Tuesday mornings, Sunday mornings and Small groups twice a year at various days and times. That Man is You Men's program had 30 men registered and averaged 12 in attendance at 6am on Friday mornings.
Spanish: Tuesday evenings, Sunday mornings and self-paced Notre Dame Lay Leadership online program.
After COVID - Most Bible studies stopped. 1 Spanish women's group continued via Zoom. TMIY will take this year on hiatus and continue September 2021. Deacon Nick Nickel is taking over responsibility.
Small Church Communities / Small groups - 4 groups are meeting - virtually or in-person (in a person's yard.) Deacon Nick will take over responsibility.
Bible studies and small groups have primarily older (vulnerable) people participating. Most do not want to do it virtually. They are looking forward to when they can meet in person again. Participants with younger children are burdened with their virtual learning and working from home which limits their participation in everything.
RCIA - 5 Full Communions, 4 Full Initiations
COVID delayed 24 Full Initiations to July 2020. 6 will go in 2021.
RCIA currently meets virtually every week. Inquiry has had only 2 participants since March, and they were done individually. Cara has received 2 other interested people but has not secured a commitment to the process yet. We have 18 children and 1 adult for the Easter Vigil April 3, 2021 + the 6 from 2020. This number is consistent with years past.
Infant Baptisms - 63 Spanish, 33 English
Preparation is offered virtually - monthly as usual.
Retreats - ACTS: 68 people attended the retreats
COVID - Cancelled 4 retreats for the rest of 2020. The CORE team continues to meet monthly virtually.
Marriage Preparation - English: 4 couples, Spanish: 12 couples. Workshops held 2-3 times a year.
After COVID - Workshops are done Virtually in English. Spanish prep will continue in person for the current year.
Catechist Certification - 4 currently in process of getting theirs (all online). Fr. Aldrin has taken over this responsibility.
Elizabeth Ministry - A team of 9 women from the parish has provided prayer, meals and support for 13 families. After COVID - this ministry has stopped. The team all have young children who are doing virtual learning and some working from home and no one currently has the time or resources to commit to this ministry.
Confirmation - Cara has taken responsibility for all Confirmations beginning July 1, 2020. 19 people are choosing to wait until 2021. The other 119 were confirmed at the end of August. We have 33 registered at the parish for 2020-21. This is a decrease from 100 for the 2019-2020 year. Preparation is done virtually.
Current adults preparing for Confirmation meet virtually.
In summary:
The numbers were consistent with the 2018-2019 year until COVID. After a couple months of no activity, all sacramental ministries have resumed. The non-sacramental ministries continue to be "on hold" for the most part and have decreased activity for a variety of reasons. The main reasons are: age and vulnerability and time due to virtual learning for children and people having to work from home.
In addition:
We anticipate the opening of the San Juan Diego Center on October 15. We hope it will be a gateway for people to seek the sacraments at Mary Queen. We also hope that the Center will be a formative place to create more Spanish-speaking leaders to serve the people of our community.
Religious Formation (K – 7th) and Sacramental Formation
July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
Submitted by Karen Estes 10-7-2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our student enrollment and the number of teachers is way down. Also, we’ve had to put many activities on hold for this year.
Our classes are virtual and held on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am & 11:00 am at least until January. We will decide sometime in November as to whether we will have classes in person in January 2021.
Number of Catechists
9:30 Classes – 6
11:00 Classes – 2
Number of Students:
9:30 Classes – 51
11:00 Classes (in Spanish) – 10
Out of 61 Religious Formation students, 31 children are preparing for First Communion.
Total First Communicants in the Parish:
Sunday morning classes (2nd – 7th grade) – 31
2nd Grade School children – 29
Grand Total - 60
Parish Goals and Objectives:
We will continue to work on the following goals and objectives as best we can. With our current situation, it is difficult to get people to commit to teaching, register their children in the Programs, and to invite or encourage them to get involved in other parish or program activities.
3. Embrace our diversity to create one family that grows together.
a. Discover the best methods for individuals to overcome language barriers and engage people in those methods (e.g., Host English as a Second Language and Spanish as a Second Language programs.)
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b. Engage our diverse Parish population in multi-cultural religious celebrations and social events.
c. Develop and implement a means of bringing leadership of all cultures together to work as one body on the Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council, School Board, and other parish leadership committees.
4. Be a welcoming parish community for all parishioners:
a. Increase efforts to educate and invite parish members into full, active and conscious participation in at least one of the parish ministries and activities. (E.g. Hold a ministry fair prior to Time and Talent to give parishioners an opportunity to know what each ministry is about and to involve more parishioners in ministries, Highlight a different ministry in the bulletin each month, including a photo of the ministry leader, Update the Time and Talent booklet to include each ministry leader’s photo, Include the Time and Talent booklet and a welcoming letter from the pastor in the welcome packet provided to new parishioners
Preschool 2 - 4-years-old Report from Camila Valencia:
The PreK class 2019-2020 was steady with numbers about 15 average children age 2 to 4 yrs.
l used one classroom due to lack of teachers. The family who helped with the 2 and 3's came over every other week.
2020 - 2021 We are doing virtual learning combined with kindergarten and 1st grade due to low numbers (3 students) and lack of teachers. Karen suggested that we mix the classes; that will give our preschoolers and Kindergarteners a good head-start and readiness for the time when they enter the 1st grade.
Everything is going well.
Budget: l currently have everything l need.
Thank you,
Camila Valencia