On April 30 BUILD had over 1000 people at the Central Bank Center and we got the necessary commitments from Lextran and 7 Council members towards moving forward in getting microtransit in Lexington by getting the funding for a feasibility study. And for Eldercare we did not get the mayor and Commissioner of Social Services there, but we did get to shine a huge light on the need for services that will help seniors age longer in their own homes. I think people left that night on fire for wanting to move this issue of Eldercare forward. READ MORE
In liturgical terminology we use the terms ordinary, extraordinary, and proper fairly frequently. Since the Mass is a repetitive structure and the roles people play within the liturgy are also regular we reserve the term ordinary for these circumstances. One of the liturgical seasons we call ordinary time because it is the most common time we have throughout the year. For around 36 of the 52 weeks of the calendar year we are in this ordinary time including this week.
Sign up for your Five Minute Family Photo Session for our Pictorial Directory for June 8 or 9 to be a part of the MQHR Pictorial Directory. We want all MQHR families to be a part of this project. There will be no on-site selling/ordering of pictures. You will receive a link to view your photos via email later. By participating, you will help us build a stronger sense of community at Mary Queen. You are a unique and special part of our parish family, so we encourage you to participate! if you have any questions please email Jennifer, at [email protected]
This Sunday, the Solemnity of Pentecost concludes the Easter Season and is one of the highest feasts of the liturgical year. To help elevate the liturgy there is a separate Vigil Mass with its own readings (which can be up to five from the old testament) and on Pentecost day there is an additional reading before the Gospel Acclamation(Alleluia). This reading is called a sequence. At Mary Queen over the past few years, we have been chanting this text though it could be sung by the assembly, responsorily (like a psalm), or even spoken by a lector or by all. ++ Este domingo, la Solemnidad de Pentecostés concluye el Tiempo Pascual y es una de las fiestas más importantes del año litúrgico. Para ayudar a elevar la liturgia hay una Misa de Vigilia separada con sus propias lecturas (que pueden ser hasta cinco del Antiguo Testamento) y el día de Pentecostés hay una lectura adicional antes de la Aclamación del Evangelio (Aleluya). Esta lectura se llama secuencia. En Mary Queen durante los últimos años, hemos estado cantando este texto, aunque podría ser cantado por la asamblea, responsivamente (como un salmo) o incluso pronunciado por un lector o por todos.
This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord commemorating Christ’s Ascension to heaven and his great commission to make disciples of all the nations… However, you may be familiar with the term Ascension Thursday. If you carefully count the days you will find that the Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter is 40 days after Easter (when Christ’s Ascension occurred historically). So why the change to Sunday? ++++ Este domingo celebramos la Solemnidad de la Ascensión del Señor conmemorando la Ascensión de Cristo al cielo y su gran comisión de hacer discípulos de todas las naciones… Sin embargo, quizás estés familiarizado con el término Jueves de Ascensión. Si cuenta cuidadosamente los días, encontrará que el jueves de la Sexta Semana de Pascua es 40 días después de Pascua (cuando históricamente ocurrió la Ascensión de Cristo). Entonces, ¿por qué el cambio al domingo?
Tuesday night at the Central Bank Center over 1000 people showed up to make Lexington a better place to live for all people. We had 200 tickets counted so far from MQ! The MQ Praise Band provided the music and did a fantastic job! READ MORE!
This Sunday we kick off the month of honoring Mary with a Parish-wide May Crowning right after the 11am Mass (around 12:15pm) at the outdoor Mary Statue (weather permitting). This is a tradition at our parish and school and many others. How did this tradition come to be? Catholics have honored Mary from the beginning of Christendom, but probably not to the degree that modern Catholics do. ++ Este domingo iniciamos el mes de honrar a María con una Coronación de mayo en toda la parroquia justo después de la Misa de las 11 a. m. (alrededor de las 12:15 p. m.) en la Estatua de María al aire libre (si el clima lo permite). Esta es una tradición en nuestra parroquia, escuela y muchas otras. ¿Cómo surgió esta tradición? Los católicos han honrado a María desde el comienzo de la cristiandad, pero probablemente no en la medida en que lo hacen los católicos modernos.