The BUILD Community Problems Assembly is Monday, Nov. 4, 7 PM at Consolidated Baptist Church (1625 Russell Cave Rd.) We will carpool from MQ at 6. We need drivers as well as riders. See more...
We are taking a brief break from our series on liturgical ministers to explore the special liturgies that begin our month of remembrance (November). + Estamos tomando un breve descanso de nuestra serie sobre ministros litúrgicos para explorar las liturgias especiales que comienzan nuestro mes de conmemoración (noviembre).
Sacristans are individuals who tend to take care of the behind the scenes preparations and needs of the liturgy. The title comes from the Latin root sacer which means holy and sacred. Sacristans care for the holy vessels, elements, and materials of the church. + Los sacristanes son personas que tienden a encargarse de los preparativos y necesidades de la liturgia entre bastidores. El título proviene de la raíz latina sacer que significa santo y sagrado. Los sacristanes cuidan los vasos, elementos y materiales sagrados de la iglesia.
In our series on liturgical ministries, we are digging into what it means to be a lector. The word lector means one who reads and has been an important part of Judeo-Christian worship for millennia. You can even read first-hand accounts in the Gospels of Jesus serving as a lector in Jewish worship when he unrolls the scroll and reads from the prophet Isaiah. That scene plays out much like our modern Catholic liturgy of the word. ++ En nuestra serie sobre ministerios litúrgicos, profundizamos en lo que significa ser lector. La palabra lector significa alguien que lee y ha sido una parte importante del culto judeocristiano durante milenios. Incluso puedes leer relatos de primera mano en los Evangelios de Jesús sirviendo como lector en el culto judío cuando desenrolla el rollo y lee del profeta Isaías. Esa escena se parece mucho a nuestra liturgia católica moderna de la palabra.
Our Parish Feast Day
Usually, October 7th is the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, but at Mary Queen we will celebrate our patronal feast day as a Solemnity on Sunday October 6th this year. The church allows moving parish feast days during ordinary time to Sundays so more people can participate in this special celebration. We have commonly done this for many years, because it is hard for people to come to Mass on a Monday. If we did celebrate the Mass on a Monday we would have two readings, a creed, and special candles. Since the feast day will be on Sunday–October 7th for us, it will be the Monday of the 27th week of Ordinary time. So check our website for the readings for these special Masses.