Our Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Knights of Columbus is soliciting donations so that we may participate in Supreme’s (National) Coats for Kids this winter to deliver new coats to children.
The Finance Council of Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary respectfully submits to you the parish financial reports for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. Your generous offertory gifts, during the 2021-2022 year, exceeded our budget by 3%! We are grateful for how the Lord works through all of you, who support the ministries and mission of our parish. Together, we join with Him, for the salvation of souls and the building up of God’s Kingdom. See the complete report here.
This Giving Tuesday, November 29th,we are striving to raise $15,200 to purchase and install a 20 ft. x 20 ft. cantilever permanent umbrella shade to improve our awesome playground as previously purchased through a prior #iGiveCatholic campaign. ADDITIONALLY, you may have noticed that during the recent high winds, we sadly lost our temporary shade structure over our picnic tables. This is a vital area to our school and parish operations. We are hoping to reach our original goal of $15,200 and pledge that any funds we receive above and beyond can be used towards a permanent shade for the picnic area too!