Effective Sunday, November 28, 2021, Bishop Stowe, OFM Conv. will officially end the general dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Those who are vulnerable or immune-compromised because of age or health reasons are under no obligation to attend Mass at the risk of their well-being. The full decree with an accompanying reflection on the importance of Sunday Mass and the moral obligation to attend by Fr. Anthony McLaughlin, JCD, pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul in Danville, are attached for your review and use.
On November 21, 2021, Bishop Stowe, OFM Conv. will bless the diocesan commissions operating under the auspices of the Diocese of Lexington Office for Peace and Justice. The blessing of the Laudato Si Commission, the Commission on African American Catholic Concerns, the Peace and Justice Commission, and the LGBT Outreach Commission will take place during the 11:30 a.m. celebration of the Mass at the Cathedral of Christ the King. All are welcome to attend the Mass in person or virtually by going to the Cathedral of Christ the King website (https://www.cathedralctk.org). View the full press release here...
Hello Mary Queen family! I am excited to join the formation ministry team as Interim Coordinator of Preschool formation. Adam (music director here at MQHR) and I came into full communion with the Catholic Church in October of 2007 here at Mary Queen. We have seven children, many of whom attended Mary Queen School. I received my Masters in Christian Education from Asbury Theological Seminary and have worked in Children’s ministry throughout the years in various capacities. Our journey has brought us full circle back to this parish, and I am honored to be serving with you as we grow in love with Jesus, the Church, and one another.
Fr. Kiran Kumar Varaparla, 39, parish priest of St. Julian Catholic Church in Middlesboro, KY and St. Anthony Catholic Church in Pineville, KY, passed away suddenly on October 31, 2021. Let us pray for him, his family, and his parish. View his full obituary here...
Habitat for Humanity The Annual Habitat for Humanity Catholic Build starts Nov. 17! After all masses this weekend Nov. 6-7, Habitat representatives will be "selling" boards for this year's Build. For any donation to support the cost of the Build you can sign your name to a 2x4 that will be built into the home. For more information about this year's Build or to volunteer, visit lexhabitat.org/catholicbuild or contact Mark Buerger at [email protected] or 859-338-6075.
Celebrating Faith, Inspiring Hope and Living Love Mark your calendars! Our Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish Annual Report will be presented via Zoom this Tuesday, November 9th at 7 pm. The Annual Report will be emailed to parishioners this weekend. Attend the presentation virtually to hear an update on our parish operations from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Finance Council members will be in attendance and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. For more information, contact our Operations Director, Tara Kaufmann, at [email protected] or call 859-278-7432 ext. 1493. CLICK to view a video of the report
Be on the lookout for your 2022 Treasure Commitment Cards in the mail next week. This time of year we all renew our commitment to Mary Queen. When we give toward the Mission of Mary Queen, we invest in faith, hope and love! He is calling each of us in big ways and small, to make a difference. Don't underestimate the power of your gift for God's glory! Thank you for your continued generous support of Mary Queen!