DESAYUNO Y ALMUERZO / BREAKFAST AND LUNCH Esta mañana, el Programa de Comidas de la Cafetería Diocesana empezó a servir desayunos (de 8 a 9) y almuerzos (de 11-12 ) en la cafetería de Mary Queen. La comida se sirve de forma gratuita para niños de 0 a 18 años. En el desayuno de hoy servimos a pocos niños. Tenemos mucha comida gratis. Ven! Nos da mucho gusto que el edificio de nuestra escuela pueda ayudar con el propósito de servir durante este tiempo tan difícil. Continuaremos sirviendo desayunos y almuerzos de lunes a viernes hasta que la crisis haya pasado. Pasen la voz. This morning, the Diocesan Cafeteria Lunch Program began serving breakfast (from 8-9) and lunch (from 11-noon) from the Mary Queen cafeteria. The food is free for all children from birth through age 18. At breakfast today, we served very few children. We have a lot of food. Come! It is wonderful that our school building can serve such a good purpose during this trying time. We’ll be serving breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday until the crisis is over. Spread the word. MISA EN VIVO MAÑANA / LIVE MQ MASS TOMORROW EL Padre Aldrin oficiará misa mañana a las 8:15 de la mañana. Será transmitida AQUI. Habrá oraciones especiales por los proveedores de salud durante la misa. Fr Aldrin will say Mass tomorrow at 8:15am. It will be live streamed HERE. There will be special prayers for all health care providers at this Mass CORREO / BIG MAILING A principios de esta semana estaremos enviando correspondencia através del Servicio Postal de los Estados Unidos a miles de hogares. Queremos llegar hasta ustedes, conocer sus necesidades y responderles. Les pedimos muy atentamente que usen este cuestionario, lean los artículos y oren con los videos en este sitio. Por favor compartan la dirección electrónica de este sitio con todos sus contactos y pídanles que lo visiten con frecuencia. Early this week, we are sending out a mailing through the US Postal Service to thousands of homes. We want to reach out and know people’s needs and respond to them. We are begging folks to use the survey, read the articles and pray along with the videos on this website. Please share this website address with all of your contacts, and ask them to visit us often!
We are changing our time of serving Breakfast and Lunch to 10:30-12-:30. You can pick up multiple days of meals when you come for pick up. Delivery will be available to families without transportation. You will be given an entire week of meals with instructions on how to cook or reheat. You must contact Char Banta [email protected] for details. Estamos cambiando nuestra hora de servir desayuno y almuerzo a 10: 30-12-: 30. Puede recoger varios días de comidas cuando venga a recogerlo. La entrega estará disponible para familias sin transporte. Se le dará una semana completa de comidas con instrucciones sobre cómo arreglar o recalentar. Debe contactar a Char Banta en [email protected] para más detalles.
Bishop John will celebrate Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Lent this Sunday, March 29. It will be streamed live at 11am in English and at noon in Spanish, and recorded and put on the website soon afterwards. We encourage you to participate in this Mass as a way to unite yourself more closely not only with our parish, but also with the whole diocese. The words of Saint Athanasius, the 4th century Bishop of Alexandria, ring true, especially in our unique circumstances today: “Such is the wonder of God’s love: he gathers to this feast those who are far apart, and brings together in unity of faith those who may be physically separated from each other.”
Bishop John answers question relative to church procedures and Covid-19 --- Bishop John celebrated Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 29. It was streamed live at 11am in English and at noon in Spanish, and recorded and is now on the website. Ve la misa este domingo con nuestro Obispo John Stowe a celebrar la misa dominical que se transmitirá a través de Facebook Live a partir de este domingo 29 de marzo a las 12 del día (en español). Se podrá acceder a la Misa a través de la página de Facebook de la Catedral de Cristo Rey (Christ the King Cathedral) Lexington:
Mary Queen Will transmit a live Mass for Children tomorrow, March 26, at 9am. Father Dan will be the celebrant. You can find the live transmission at
“As trustful children we turn to the Father. We do it every day, several times a day; but right now we wish to beg mercy for mankind, so sorely tried by the coronavirus pandemic. And we do this together, Christians of every Church and Community, of every age, language and nation.
The Catholic Diocese of Lexington will stream its Chrism Mass on the Tuesday of Holy Week, April 7, at 10 a.m. While the suspension of public Masses remains in force across the diocese, Catholics are encouraged to follow the Facebook Live broadcast of this diocesan event, courtesy of Lexington’s Cathedral of Christ the King:
On Wednesday, 25 March, the feast of the Annunciation, Pope Francis has invited all Christians of the various confessions, to recite the prayer that Jesus, our Lord, taught us” – the Our Father, at noon.
During the time in which public Masses are suspended in the Diocese of Lexington, are Catholics in the diocese dispensed from their obligation to attend Sunday Mass? Click headline for more answers.