Sunday, June 23, 2019 11:00 AM, Mass - Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ - Homily by Fr. Vitner Martinez on "The Real Presence of Jesus Christ"
On Tuesday, June 18, 2019, from 6-8 PM, everyone is invited come ask questions of Deacon Nick Nickl at Joseph Beth Bookstore at Lexington Green shopping center.
We encourage all parishioners to support Fr. Dan's Ministry process. Please see the attached assessment forms to provide him guidance on his growth as a Pastor. Please complete the forms and return to the office by June 26 or as instructed. Click on headline for details.
Sunday, June 9, 2019, 11:am Mass - Homily by Fr. Dan Noll as he invites Sr. Mary Francine of the Sisters of Notre Dame to bear witness to the presence of the spirit in the world as we celebrate the New Pentecost.
Parish photos are needed for use on this website and should be sent to [email protected] - for our monthly newsletter to [email protected] - for the new Crossroads diocesan magazine to [email protected] Images should be formatted as JPG.
Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary - Emphasizing our Unity - The MQ Liturgy Committee is committed to doing its part to address the parish’s mission and goals. In particular, we directly influence the goal to: “Celebrate the Sacraments, especially Sunday Eucharist, in a way that emphasizes our unity with each other in Christ.” Click on headline for many more details.