This coming Tuesday is a Holy Day of Obligation. Catholics are required to attend Mass the same as on Sundays. Holy Day Masses are: the Vigil on Monday at 4:00pm in English and 7:00pm in Spanish and Tuesday at 10:00am in English and 1:00pm in Spanish.
December 12, 2018 is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - May Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church will begin the celebration on the Vigil at 7:00pm today with a procession from Versailles Road to our church - Click the HEADLINE for full details.
Saturday, December 8th is always a Holy Day of Obligation - Masses are: Vigil on Friday at 4:00pm in English and 7:00pm (bilingual) and Saturday at 8:15am in English. The Saturday 4:00pm Mass is not for the Feast but is the Sunday Vigil Mass. This 4:00pm Mass does not satisfy as the Holy Day obligation.
Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary will offer the six week series Catholics Returning Rome (CRH), beginning April 22, 2019 , 7-9pm in Room AB of the church. Click HEADLINE for details.