We hope you have marked your calendar for May 12th for our 4th annual Night of Angels event! There will be games, raffles, a Silent & Live Auction, amazing food and drink, plus music & dancing. We promise a great time with your Mary Queen family!
Even if you cannot attend Night of Angels on May 12th, there are still ways you can help the event be successful!
The Night of Angels is the 2nd largest fundraiser (after the Fall Festival) for Mary Queen. A huge money-maker is the Silent Auction. This is why there is no longer a Silent Auction at the Fall Festival. It has moved to this Spring Social.
Please consider donating an item for a Basket, or coming together with a group to create a basket to be auctioned off on May 12th. Baskets should have a value of $50-$100 and should be completed by May 1st.
DONATE GIFT CARDS For the second year in a row, there will be two games of chance at Night of Angels, POP THE CORK! and GRUB GRAB! For GRUB GRAB you win gift cards to local restaurants.
Do you have any unused gift cards you could donate? Or perhaps you are going out to dinner over the next month – would you mind picking up a gift card (minimum value $10) to donate? You can simply drop these gift cards in the collection basket at church through May 7th.
BUY A RAFFLE TICKET One of the largest money-makers at Night of Angels is the Grand Raffle. Would you consider supporting the event by buying 1 or 2 tickets? Tickets are only $20 and you have a chance to win $5000! Only 1000 tickets will be sold, so much better odds than the lottery.
Your ticket stubs will then be in the Parish Office for pick up. Thank you in advance for your support!
Once again, this year’s event will be held at the Round Barn Stable of Memories right by the historic Red Mile Racetrack. Conveniently located close to downtown, this venue was spacious and beautiful as host to the 2016 event. Also once again, Bayou Bluegrass Catering will be providing food and drink – you do not want to miss their spread of delicious food! There is an Open Beer and Wine bar from 7-10 pm and tickets are only $50/person. We promise you will get your money’s worth at this event!
We already have some amazing donations including a UK football/tailgate package, a YETI cooler and a vacation to Hilton Head Island. Would you be able to donate something to our Live or Silent Auction? Or perhaps you could be a Sponsor of our event or know someone who could sponsor. Please check out http://maryqueenschool.org/night-of-angels which has more information on how you can help out with the event, buy tickets, etc. Please email [email protected] if you can help or have any questions!
As promised this year’s evening will include two fun games! Back by popular demand POP THE CORK allows participants to pop a balloon which corresponds to a bottle of wine or bourbon. Everyone is a winner! You can see from the picture above we got a lot of great donations for this game at our pre-event Kentucky Basketball game-watch at Copper Roux. Plan to come by and try to win! Our second game is GRUB GRAB where you have a chance to win restaurant gift cards from across Central Kentucky. Some of are even worth $50! We are still taking donations for donations for both games - $10 minimum bottle of wine or bourbon OR $10 minimum gift card to any local restaurant. Please email [email protected] if you can help out!
Again we hope everyone can attend Night of Angels May 12th. Look to our website http://maryqueenschool.org/night-of-angels for updated information or please call the school if you have any questions!