Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish is putting together an updated parish photo directory! We hope you will be a part of this connection to our parish family.
Everyone who is photographed will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait and a directory. You will also have the option of purchasing additional photos and products to give to family and friends.
Parish Directory update
Photography for the parish directory begins on August 23 in Rooms A/B here in the church. The directory company will be making reminder calls, and they will come from a 419 area code. So please take that call or listen to the message when you see that area code on your caller ID.
There are a few slots open for the August photography, and there are many slots open for the October photography. Instructions for registering online are on MQ website and on the bulletin table in the Gathering Area.
We are looking for some folks to help greet their fellow parishioners when they come in to have the picture taken. It’s a great way to meet families you may have seen around but don’t know their names! Call or e-mail the MQ office to volunteer.