In this time of pain and confusion, we turn to God in sorrow and hmility, confessing our sins against God and God's children; asking for mercy and forgiveness.
We pray that God renew our faith heal the wounds of the Church and draw us all into a new era of safety and trust.
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Heavenly Father, In every age, you have been our refuge.
Yet again and still, we stand before you asking for your protection on your holy Church.
We place our Church in your hads, for without you we can do nothing.
May Jesus, our High Priest and true compass, continue to lead her in every thought and action to be an instument of justice, a source of consolatin, a sacrament of unity, and a manifestation of your faithful covenant.
Grant thiis through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.