The Giving Tree was put up November 17th. The gifts will be due back at 2pm Sunday December 9th. St. William Catholic Church will be hadling out the gifts on Tuesday December 18th. They need to have time to sort the presents and buy any that we are short. We have 36 families with 175 children this year.
Each child will have 2 toy tags and 2-4 clothing tags that are small items like hats, gloves, and scarves. They will have other tags for coats and shoes.
Please take a tag, buy and wrap the gift, then return it to MQHR, They may be placed under the tree in the Gathering area. Please tape the tag all the way around with the name facing up. If you provide more than one wrapped gift, please make a copy of the tag and tape it on the additional gifts.
For assistance, call Jenny Thorpe cell: 859-421-1675 or home: 859-366-0032 or you can email her at [email protected]