Hundreds Pick Up Blessed Palms Trecientos Personas Recogen Sus Palmitas Bendecidas
It has been such a blessing and encouragement to be with hundreds of you today as you came to pick up blessed palms and Little White Books for the Easter Season, and dropped off your donations. What a testimony of faith!! And how well you kept “social distancing.” I can’t wait until we can gather again to celebrate Eucharist. Until then, Mary Queen will begin, starting on Easter Sunday, to live stream Mass each day, from the Priests’ House or from the church. Stay tuned! –Father Dan
¡Que bendición para ver muchas personas a venir a Mary Queen hoy para acoger sus palmas bendecidas y libritos blancas pascuales y para dar sus limosnas! ¡Un gran ejemplo de fe! No puedo esperar para el día en que podemos celebrar la misa juntos otra vez. Comenzando en el Domingo de la Pascua, vamos a comenzar a transmitir la misa diaria de Mary Queen por internet. ¡Mas información pronto! – Padre Dan
La Homilía de Papa Francisco en la misa del Domingo de Ramos
Pope Francis’ Homily for Palm Sunday Mass
An Everyday Stewardship Way of the Cross click here
Webinar Resources for Families Recursos para Familias
Celebrating Holy Week at Home
Celebrando el Semana Santa en Casa
English Session: Monday, April 6 at 1:00 pm ET
Sesión en Español: Lunes, 6 de abril, 3:30 pm ET
Primary Audience: Parents and families (para padres y familias)
We know this is a difficult time for us to be at home and isolated during the most important liturgical time of the Church. This webinar hopes to help families, and those who accompany them, be able to celebrate and pray these liturgical moments from home.
Durante esta época difícil, no estamos solos. Para poder celebrar la Resurrección, primero tenemos que llevar la cruz. Con este webinar, esperamos ayudar a las familias y a todas aquellas personas que acompañan a los jóvenes a orar y celebrar esta época litúrgica desde sus hogares.
English - Register Here >
Español - Registrese Aqui >
Families at Home: Managing and Working Amidst a Stay at Home Reality
When: Tuesday, April 7 at 2:00 pm ET
Primary Audience: Parents and Youth Ministry Leaders
This NFCYM all-access webinar will address some of the key issues, concerns, and opportunities that families face as more and more people are required to shelter in place and work from home for the near future. We will also share some best practices in keeping families healthy, holy, and sane, along with resources and strategies for facing Spring Break and end-of-school scenarios.
Register Here >