The work of our justice ministry is moving into a higher gear this month.In the book of Micah and in the Gospel of Matthew, it is clear that justice is one of the requirements of us as people of faith.
Too often this requirement is overlooked, and misunderstood. Here at Mary Queen, we believe that to do justice is to hold our systems accountable to what God intended for His people. We believe that if we truly love our neighbors as ourselves as God commands us, then we must enter into just relationship with our neighbors. This year, justice ministry looks different, but our call as Christians to this work is more urgent than ever.
Members of the Justice Ministry here at Mary Queen will fulfill their first responsibility as Justice Ministry Network members by attending the Community Problems Assembly on November 9th at 7 pm over Zoom. This Assembly is where, with the other 25 congregations that are part of BUILD, we will redouble our efforts to address the serious community problems our fellow parishioners are facing: rising violence, the school to prison pipeline, and access to mental healthcare and affordable housing.
We recognize all our justice ministry network members, and pray for them as they lead our parish in God’s work of justice. For more information, contact Kabby Akers at [email protected].
Queridos amigos, hoy reconocemos la labor de nuestro ministerio de justicia. En el libro de Miqueas y en el Evangelio de Mateo, está claro que hacer la justicia es uno de los requisitos de nosotros como personas de fe. Con demasiada frecuencia, no nos cumplimos este requisito. Aquí en Mary Queen, creemos que hacer justicia es hacer que nuestros sistemas rindan cuentas de lo que Dios quiso para su pueblo. Creemos que si realmente amamos a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos, como Dios nos manda, entonces debemos fortalecer una relación con nuestro prójimo. Este año, el ministerio de justicia se ve diferente, pero nuestro llamado como cristianos a este trabajo es más urgente que nunca. Los miembros del Ministerio de Justicia aquí en Mary Queen cumplirán con su primera responsabilidad como miembros de la Red del Ministerio de Justicia asistiendo a la Asamblea de Problemas Comunitarios el 9 de noviembre a las 6:30 pm aquí en el santuario de la Iglesia de Mary Queen. Esta Asamblea es donde, con las otras 25 congregaciones que forman parte de BUILD, redoblaremos nuestros esfuerzos para abordar los problemas comunitarios que enfrentan nuestros compañeros feligreses: el aumento de la violencia armada, la vía de la escuela a la prisión y el acceso a servicios de salud mental y a hogares de renta económica. Reconocemos a todos los miembros de la red de nuestro ministerio de justicia y oramos por ellos mientras lideran nuestra parroquia en la obra de justicia de Dios. Para obtener mas información, contacta a Mary Kate Norton [email protected]
The BUILD Community Problems Assembly is quickly approaching on Monday, November 9th at 7pm.
You can register to watch over zoom here: This is registration for virtual viewing. Please note, we take COVID-19 very seriously and are not encouraging watch parties with people outside of your immediate family, roommates, or quarantine bubble for this event (unless you can properly socially distance and comply with all CDC guidelines). We will have the option to attend an in-person screening in either English or Spanish if you don't have access to watch from home (very limited availability). Please email us at [email protected] if you need this in-person viewing option and we'll get you all the details.