See the latest English and Spanish fliers that include speakers and most up to date information including URL for the how to stream page
The fliers contain a concise explanation of what the 9 Days of Power is all about which provide informative information about what participants can expect:
The Pentecost Novena was decreed by Pope Leo XIII on May 9, 1897, calling on the whole Church to pray for a greater out-pouring of the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus Christ. This year, the Cathedral of Christ the King will host the first diocesan Pentecost Novena, referred to as “Nine Days of Power” for personal, parish, and diocesan spiritual renewal. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, this will be a virtual event only and will be live-streamed each evening. We invite every individual and family to participate and celebrate the birth of the Church towards a new Pentecost.
Each day (6:30-8:30 PM except on Pentecost Sunday which will begin at 2:30 PM) begins with a time of praise and worship followed by a bilingual teaching and then a prayer/ministration component.
Finally, in this time of pandemic and family isolation, we believe that this Diocesan Pentecost Novena can be a much-needed source of hope and joy. Given that anyone and everyone with Internet access can participate from their home, please help us make as many of your people/families aware of this and how easy it is for them to participate. Thank you for helping us get the word out.
Specific questions can be directed to Joan Root ([email protected]).
In Christ,
Deacon Tim Weinmann