“O Lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise.” (Psalm 51)
I. Housekeeping
A. Please be sure that your email and phone number are up-to-date on the Active Lector Roster. Please notify us of any changes at: [email protected]
B. Depending on your Mass preference, you may only be assigned to read once or twice per quarter. Therefore, we suggest that you note your assigned Mass in your calander/planner/iPhone/PDA and set up an automatic reminder. Please don’t leave your scheduled partner high and dry!
C. While we will make every effort to accommodate your individual schedule, we do understand that plans change. In the event of a conflict, we ask that you arrange for your own substitute. You may choose to contact someone directly (using the Active Lector Roster), or you may simply hit “Reply to All” on one of our mass emails. Only as a last resort should you ask your scheduled partner to cover both readings.
D. Please prepare for your scheduled reading. The Lector Workbook (these usually arrive during Advent) is an excellent tool including tips and pronunciations. The readings can also be found on the USCCB website ( https://bible.usccb.org/). We also suggest that you read over the other reading for your assigned Mass…just in case.
E. In the event that there are multiple options for a particular reading, we will usually communicate the proper reading to you ahead of time. When in doubt, prepare both and ask the presiding priest which to use. Similarly, if there are both “long” and “short” forms of a reading (usually denoted by bracketed text in the missalette), please prepare for both and ask the presiding priest which he prefers.
F. Please try to sit near the front of the church, preferably near the aisle.
G. We ask that our Lectors dress modestly and respectfully to reflect the importance of their role in publicly proclaiming the Word of God. No jeans, shorts, sweats, tanks, t-shirts, low-cut tops, or miniskirts, please.
II. Before Mass (Both Lectors)
A. On your assigned day, please arrive about 15 minutes before the Liturgy begins and sign in on the schedule posted in the sacristy (even if you are substituting for another lector).
B. Make sure that the other Lector has arrived (check the sign-in sheet). If not—and if no other Lectors are available—you may need to read both readings. If the other Lector is a no-show, please notify the heads of lectors. Repeat offenders will be removed from the roster.
C. Lector #1 should determine whether a deacon will be assisting at that Mass. The deacon (if present) will always process in with the Book of Gospels and read the General Intercessions. If no deacon is present, Lector #1 assumes these two additional responsibilities in addition to the First Reading.
D. The Lectionary should be placed on the ambo, opened to the correct reading. The posted schedule will list the current Sunday and Year (Ex: “22 nd Sunday or Ordinary Time, Year B”.).
E. The General Intercessions folder should be placed on the ambo, if not already there. If no deacon is present, Lector #1 should look over the petitions before Mass.
F. The Book of Gospels should remain in the Sacristy, marked for the current Sunday. It will be carried in the Entrance Procession.
III. During Mass
A. Entrance Procession (Lector #1 only if no deacon is present)
1. The Book of Gospels should be carried at eye level with the front of the book facing the Altar. Please do not carry any other items.
2. Process behind the Altar Servers, waiting until they are halfway down the aisle before beginning towards the Altar.
3. Stop directly in front of the Altar before the bottom step, bow slightly with the head (keeping the Book of Gospels elevated), and immediately approach the Altar from the right side (counterclockwise).
4. Place the Book of Gospels flat on the top-backside of the Altar.
5. Exit the Altar by the choir side steps and return to your place in the congregation.
B. First Reading (Lector #1)
1. After the introductory prayer and as the congregation is sitting, approach the Altar, stop at the bottom step, and bow. Proceed directly to the Ambo. Make sure that the microphone is appropriately positioned for you and that the green light is on.
2. Proclaim the First Reading. Remember that speaking “slowly and loudly” is always preferable to “quickly and quietly”, especially for those who may be hard of hearing. It is a good idea to occasionally look out at the congregation, but not to the extent that it adds drama to the Mass.
3. The Reading’s conclusion (“The Word of the Lord…”) will be sung by the cantor. After the congregation responds “Thanks be to God!”, step back from the Ambo and pause briefly (about 3-5 seconds). Return to your place in the congregation by way of the choir side steps.
C. Second Reading (Lector #2)
1. As the Cantor descends the stairs after the Responsorial Psalm, rise and approach the Altar, stop at the bottom step, and bow. Proceed directly to the Ambo. Make sure that the microphone is appropriately positioned for you.
2. Proclaim the Second Reading. Remember that speaking “slowly and loudly” is always preferable to “quickly and quietly”, especially for those who may be hear of hearing. It is a good idea to occasionally look out at the congregation, but not to the extent that it adds drama to the Mass.
3. The Reading’s conclusion (“The Word of the Lord…”) will be sung by the cantor. After the congregation responds “Thanks be to God!”, close the Lectionary and place it on the shelf under the Ambo. This will make room for the Book of Gospels. Then step back from the Ambo and pause briefly (about 3-5 seconds). Return to your place in the congregation by way of the choir side steps.
D. General Intercessions (Lector #1 only if no deacon is present)
1. Near the end of the Nicene Creed (“… I believe in the Holy Spirit…”), approach the foot of the Altar, stop at the bottom step, and bow. Proceed directly to the Ambo. Make sure that the microphone is appropriately positioned for you.
2. After the priest has finished the introductory prayer, lead the General Intercessions.
3. When finished with the final intercession, step back, turn toward the priest, and remain at the Ambo until the priest finishes the prayer.
4. If there is a second collection, the announcement may be printed on the bottom of the General Intercessions. After the priest finishes the prayer—and as the congregation is seated—you may make the simple announcement for the second collection.
5. Return to your place in the congregation by way of choir side steps.
E. The Exit Procession — Neither Lector participates.
IV. After Mass (Both Lectors)
Return the Book of Gospels and Lectionary to the Vesting Sacristy. The General Intercessions folder should remain at the ambo.
Replace the Book of Gospels in the drawer under the sink marked as such.
Replace the Lectionary either on the wooden stand or in the upper cabinet above the sink.
* If you have difficulty carrying the Book of Gospels or climbing the stairs, you may ask the other assigned lector to cover the Entrance Procession for you.
* If you require hand-rail assistance, you may approach the Ambo from the choir-side stairs at the time of your assigned Reading or the General Intercessions. You should still bow towards the Altar prior to ascending the stairs.