The MQ Devotions Ministry leads a Rosary in the Chapel before the 8:15 AM Saturday mass and in the sanctuary before the 4:00 PM Saturday mass in reparation for the five blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
1. Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception
2. Blasphemies against her virginity
3. Blasphemies against her divine maternity, at the same time the refusal to accept her
as the Mother of all men
4. Blasphemies of those who seek openly to foster in the hearts of children indifference
or contempt and even hatred for this Immaculate Mother.
5. The offenses of those who directly outrage Her in her holy images.
Learn about the Five First Saturdays Devotion
MQHR Devotions Committee - Nov 2022