As we reflect upon the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and recall during this time their flight into a foreign land as migrants, the ongoing heightened discussion surrounding our migrant community has engendered fear and uncertainty. It is also a challenging time for the whole Catholic Church in the United States which has long included migrants from various parts of the world. The Catholic Bishops of Kentucky and Tennessee, together as the Metropolitan Province of Louisville, wish to first and foremost express our prayerful support and solidarity to our immigrant sisters and brothers. Please be assured that you are not forgotten and know that the Church stands with you. You and your families are a cherished gift to the world.
We pledge that the Catholic Church in Kentucky and Tennessee will continue to accompany and serve migrants with every possible resource. We will continue to advocate for your just treatment and dignity as our Catholic Social Teaching instructs in every way that we are able to do so.
The Church recognizes the right of individuals to migrate to sustain their lives and the lives of their family members. The Church also recognizes the responsibility of nations to control their borders and create migration policies. However, the Church teaches that this right is not unlimited and must be exercised with respect for the human dignity of each person and the common good.
The Church in the United States has long advocated for comprehensive immigration reform that includes pathways to citizenship, family reunification, and protections for those fleeing persecution. It emphasizes the need for just and humane treatment of all migrants, including access to legal protections, and due process. The Church recognizes that basic human rights are based on the dignity of being created in the image and likeness of God.
We invite the whole Catholic community in our states and throughout the nation to learn more about the plight of immigrants, to understand the values that form our Catholic Teaching on the matter, and to join us in advocating for just and comprehensive laws and policies that respond to the requirements of human rights and dignity and reflect the desire for the common good in our nation. We stand ready to be a part of bringing this about.
Let us all continue to pray for our nation that we might come together to seek answers and constructive action in regard to these concerns.
Most Rev. Shelton J. Fabre Archbishop of Louisville
Most Rev. William F. Medley Bishop of Owensboro
Most Rev. John Stowe, OFM Conv. Bishop of Lexington