& Messages
of Our Lady
of Fatima
1917 - 2017
Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary
Did you know that this year marks 100 years since the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima?
Yes, it’s true! In 1917, Our Lady appeared in Portugal to three young shepherd children: Lucia 10, Francisco 8 and Jacinta 7 years old. She appeared to them each month - May through October - a total of six times, spoke to them, and gave them messages. A year prior to that the Angel appeared to the same children and taught them prayers and told them to “Pray Much” and to make and offer Sacrifices.
Obtain an indulgence during the 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima
Since our parish Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary is under her patronage and the centenary is a once in a life time occurrence, it is fitting that we commemorate these apparitions and apply the messages to our 21st century.
We Need You!
Our parish is planning several different events. Some ideas include:
- A Home visitation program where the statue of Our Lady of Fatima visits a family for a week during which the family and friends reflect, live out the messages, and grow in faith, hope and love.
- Communal prayer services in the presence of a publicly venerated statue of Our Lady of Fatima–monthly, May through October.
Details will be provided in our bulletin, website and myParish mobile app.
There are many, many needs to make this a memorable and blessed centenary. Please contact us to involve you or your group:
Jeanne Singh
[email protected]; 859-224-8775
Camila Valencia
[email protected]; 859-539-7094
Gain Plenary Indulgence during the Jubilee Year For the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, Pope Francis has decided to grant a plenary indulgence opportunity throughout the entire anniversary year, which began Nov. 27, 2016, and will end Nov. 26, 2017.
There are three ways of obtaining the indulgence:
1. Make a pilgrimage to the shrine
The first way is for “the faithful to make a pilgrimage to the Fatima Shrine in Portugal and participate in a celebration or prayer dedicated to the Virgin.” In addition, the faithful must pray the Our Father, recite the Creed and invoke the Mother of God.
2. Pray before any statue of Our Lady of Fatima
The second way applies to “the pious faithful who visit with devotion a statue of Our Lady of Fatima solemnly exposed for public veneration in any church, oratory or proper place during the days of the anniversary of the apparitions, the 13th of each month from May to October (2017), and there devoutly participate in some celebration or prayer
in honor of the Virgin Mary.”
Regarding this second way, the rector of the Fatima Shrine told CNA that the visit to the statue of the Virgin “does not necessarily have to be only at Fatima or exclusively in Portugal,” but can be done anywhere in the world.
Those seeking an indulgence must also pray an Our Father, recite the Creed and invoke Our Lady of Fatima.
3. Application for the elderly and infirm
The third way to obtain a plenary indulgence applies to people who, because of age, illness or other serious cause, are unable to get around well.
These individuals can pray in front of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and must spiritually unite themselves to the jubilee celebrations on the days of the apparitions, each month, between May and October 2017.
They also must “offer to merciful God with confidence, through Mary, their prayers and sufferings or the sacrifices they make in their own lives.”
To obtain the plenary indulgence, the faithful must also fulfill the ordinary conditions: go to Confession and Communion, be interiorly detached from sin, and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
Visit the following websites for more details:
Catholic News Agency -
National Catholic Register -
Our Lady appears to the 3 little shepherds
Catholic News Agency -
National Catholic Register -
Our Lady’s Messages -
MQHR Parish -
myParish -
Frequently Asked Questions
How did the children know who Our Lady of Fatima was?
At the beginning of the apparitions, she told them she came from heaven, and during the last apparition on October 13th, 1917, she said, to the three seers “I am the Lady of the ROSARY.”
Today she is also known as the Lady of the Rosary of Fatima or Our Lady of Fatima.
What were the messages she delivered and who are they for?
Our Lady’s messages were based on three requests:
· Penance and Sacrifice
· Prayer – THE ROSARY
· Devotion to her Immaculate Heart of Mary
There is so much to learn from her messages and they are for all of us.
How can I learn more?
There are several ways to learn about the history of these Apparitions and messages including:
· movies/documentaries (in Spanish and in English) as well as Audio Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs
· Small faith discussion groups
Be on the look-out for announcements in our bulletin announcements, on our website, and through myParish mobile app.
Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary
601 Hill N Dale Drive
Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: 859-278-7432
Jeanne Singh
[email protected]; 859-224-8775
Camila Valencia
[email protected]; 859-539-7094
Messages of Our Lady of Fatima - Secrets Revealed
In this Anniversary year of 2017, Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Church is planning events commemorating this event - Movies, Prayer Services, Home Visitations, small group discussions, etc.
Statue on display at Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish