Hemos escuchado! Para facilitarle las cosas, vamos a servir el desayuno y el almuerzo juntos y hacer sólo una unidad a través del tiempo. Estaremos sirviendo el desayuno y el almuerzo de 10:30 a 12:30. Este es un tiempo nuevo y mejorado a partir de mañana, martes 31 de marzo!
We listened! To make things easier for you, we are going to serve breakfast and lunch together and make only one drive thru time. We will be serving breakfast AND lunch from 10:30 to 12:30. This is a new and improved time beginning tomorrow, Tuesday March 31!
It was good to see families there today. A reminder that the lunch and breakfast is FREE to everyone. hope to see you all there. Hot lunch and breakfast made by our amazing cafeteria staff, don't want to miss out!
At breakfast today, we served very few children. We have a lot of food. Come! It is wonderful that our school building can serve such a good purpose during this trying time. We’ll be serving breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday until the crisis is over. Spread the word.
EL Padre Aldrin oficiará misa mañana a las 8:15 de la mañana. Será transmitida AQUI. Habrá oraciones especiales por los proveedores de salud durante la misa.
Fr Aldrin will say Mass tomorrow at 8:15am. It will be live streamed HERE. There will be special prayers for all health care providers at this Mass
A principios de esta semana estaremos enviando correspondencia através del Servicio Postal de los Estados Unidos a miles de hogares. Queremos llegar hasta ustedes, conocer sus necesidades y responderles. Les pedimos muy atentamente que usen este cuestionario, lean los artículos y oren con los videos en este sitio.
Por favor compartan la dirección electrónica de este sitio con todos sus contactos y pídanles que lo visiten con frecuencia.
Early this week, we are sending out a mailing through the US Postal Service to thousands of homes. We want to reach out and know people’s needs and respond to them. We are begging folks to use the survey, read the articles and pray along with the videos on this website.
Please share this website address with all of your contacts, and ask them to visit us often!