Happy New Year from the Care of Creation Commission!
The Laudato Si Commission of the Diocese of Lexington is hosting five Appalachian Immersion Pilgrimages in the coming year. The March pilgrimage is full, but there are three-day pilgrimages scheduled from June 9-12 and October 6-9.
If you’re not able to make the pilgrimage during the week, the commission has planned weekend experiences for May 17-19 and August 23-25. The immersion experience brings pilgrims into contact with people and places of Appalachia—specifically, the eastern Kentucky portion of our diocese--who share their lived experiences of natural disaster, social division and disparity, single-industry economics, and climate change. “Through listening to the cries of the earth and the cries of the poor, we hope to instill and encourage a response to the Gospel call to peace and justice and Pope Francis’ call to care for creation.”