BUILD has a yearly 4 step process. We are wrapping up the last one now, the Investment Drive and did very well. From our parish we together invested over $18,000 in making Lexington a better place for all. Congratulations!
We start the yearly process over this month with the Listening Process, in my opinion it is the most important. All the issues we work on come out of the house meetings and stories that were shared there. We will listen to over 400 people across Lexington. I have noticed that BUILD identifies serious problems years before they are called a crisis (Affordable housing, gun violence and mental health for example.)
Last year we started working on Elder Care, a need that will be increasing as the population ages. The Elder Care committee has been busy this Summer and are seeing some very positive movement towards the Village Model! They recently met with A Caring Place. Together with Senior Services Commission, Reimagining Home task force, and Kristy Stambaugh they are working to make A Caring place the “Villages hub”! They will together present to the City Council’s Social Services and Public Safety Committee on Oct. 8 and ask for city funding. This is in line with our “ask” at the Nehemiah Action! Very Exciting!
So, we will start the process again with our listening at our house meetings. MQ has 6 scheduled in English: Sept 12 (Susan Ament), Sept.17 (Diane Monahan), Sept. 18 (Kabby Akers), Sept 20 (Kit Donahue), Sept. 25 (Greg Williams) and Oct 1 (Kabby Akers). All at 7 PM in team members’ homes. Current Justice Ministry Members should be hearing from your team member for your invitation. If you are interested in attending a house meeting or want to know more about BUILD contact Kabby ([email protected]).